Small Collections

I try to understand my own nature through making jewelry. 

Collecting is a constant in my life, I have slight obsessions and I am attracted to objects that have a worn aspect, marks of time, really no financial value or particular use, everything, even the smallest thing has a story and I like giving these materials a chance.

I also feel this light sense of joy when I find something that just fits perfectly into what I am making.

Why is there that innate eagerness of collecting?

For these pieces, I have simply gathered, mostly things found on my walks, the beach, in the floor of an antique market, pieces my friends have given me to see if I can find any use for and I have to admit even “borrowed” several pieces from a friend’s studio.

Deciding just to experiment with arranging, re-arranging and classifying small parts of a big-world-out-there, giving them a place and making wearable collections.
Small Collections

Small Collections

Why is there that innate eagerness of collecting? Why do we do this? sometimes there is really not a financial value for these objects still, we Read More


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